Mazi dreams of Tokyo
Ce spune Jiro:
Once you decide on your occupation… you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret of success… and is the key to being regarded honorably.
I’ve never once hated this job. I fell in love with my work and gave my life to it. Even though I’m eighty five years old, I don’t feel like retiring. That’s how I feel.
Always doing what you are told doesn’t mean you’ll succeed in life.
I do the same thing over and over, improving bit by bit. There is always a yearning to achieve more. I’ll continue to climb, trying to reach the top, but no one knows where the top is.
Ce spune fiul lui Jiro:
Always look ahead and above yourself. Always try to improve on yourself. Always strive to elevate your craft. That’s what he taught me.
se poate si mai ieftin, la 467eur din Milano, unde ajungi cu 50eur :)
vii la tokyo??!!…
ca daca da, sper ca ma vizitezi si pe mine nu doar pe Jiro san ;)
vazut, placut, incantat, apoi mirat de preturile de la masa lu nenea jiro. incepe de la 250 de euro o cina fara drinks. sushi only :)
cam juma din pretul de avion a lui florin :))
ps te rog scoate word control asta ca ma innebuneste de cap:)
@florin – i’d rather pay extra for quatar decat alitalia
@ildi – wishful thinking
@wine and knives – mda, tokyo is anything but cheap. si o sa ma ocup de word control asap ;-)
nici eu nu sunt fan Alitalia, dar la Qatar problema cea mai mare o reprezinta escala in Doha, mai ales la intoarcere, cand ai de stat cam toata noaptea intr-o sala de asteptare sinistra, in care singura chestie deschisa e o cafenea Costa Cafe (asta o sa ma astepte pe mine in mai, cand o sa ma intorc de la Hong Kong :))
btw, se poate si mai ieftin, la 442eur cu Emirates de la Paris, Lyon sau Nisa, unde ajungi lejer si ieftin cu Blue Air sau cu Wizz :)
Voua nu va este frica de tsunami si cutremure? O fi el bun sushi asta, dar sper sa mai mananc si altceva.