Postcards from Werchter

02 Jul 2015, Cristina Mazilu

De obicei, atunci cand nu mai auziti nimic de mine o vreme de cele mai multe ori e semn bun. Ori m-am indragostit, ori sunt prin vreo alta tara (or, you know… both!), ori in a food coma, dar de cele mai multe ori I’m having way too much fun to spend time cu un laptop in brate. (dar daca va mistuie dorul puteti arunca un ochi pe Instagram sau pe pagina de Facebook).

Saptamana trecuta am fost incommunicado pentru ca am revenit la Werchter, dar am gasit 15 minute pentru cateva postcards din zilele trecute:


w/  two of my favourite girls

w/ two of my favourite girls


First dinner in Leuven, at the lovely Moroccan resto Koutoubiya

Duck tajine for my first dinner in Leuven, at the lovely Moroccan resto Koutoubiya



Counting goosebumps at Rock Werchter with Florence + The Machine, and feeling like the dog days are ove

Counting goosebumps at Rock Werchter with Florence + The Machine, and feeling like the dog days are over


the always connected wanderluster

the always connected wanderluster


Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here they come

Can you hear the horses? ‘Cause here they come


let's waste time chasing airplanes

let’s waste time chasing airplanes


the grass was greener, the light was brighter, with friends surrounded, the nights of wonder

the grass was greener, the light was brighter, with friends surrounded, the nights of wonder


can hardly wait to get up at noon

can hardly wait to get up at noon


postcards from Werchter-10

dumb smiles make up for sleepless nights


postcards from Werchter-11

festival food – when in Belgium


postcards from Werchter-15

trucker girl waiting for the Muse concert

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