Bubbly #inPraga
05 Aug 2013, Cristina Mazilu
“I would like a glass of prosecco. Do you have prosecco?”
“Which kind?”
“…o.O… Yeah, but what kind of prosecco? What does it say on the bottle?”
“It’s a local wine”
“But prosecco is Italian”
“But we have great wine”
“So do you have any kind prosecco?”
“Yes, we have Bohemia wine”
Eh, si dupa o conversatie care la momentul respectiv parea foarte suprarealista, am descoperit bubbly-ul din Bohemia. De mai multe ori, pana la 3 am. Cheers to that.
Buna Mazi, postul tau imi aminteste de o mica gluma pe care am auzit-o toamna trecuta la Paris, in Café des 2 Moulins:
A man and his really fit woman sit at a table in a posh restaurant.
“I’ll have the Oysters Rockefeller, the Braised Venison and a glass of Louis Roederer CristalChampagne” says the man.
“Excellent choice sir” says the waiter “And your wife?”.
“Just give her a call and tell her I’m having a fucking great time”.
:) e amuzanta foc!
Astea sunt de obicei conversatiile in Praga :)) Indiferent de local :))
In timp inveti sa accepti inevitabilul si sa te obisnuiesti cu stilul Kafkian :)
prosecco e un soi de strugure; ce-i drept e vinificat in proportie de 95% in spumant; insa poate chelnerul era foarte priceput la vin si avea si prosecco linistit…