Cand am despachetat cutia cu rosii* de la Buniol, primul lucru care mi-a venit in minte e ca sunt tare, tare norocoasa sa am asa ceva in bucatarie.
Al doilea a fost editorialul din august 2014 al lui Adam Rapoport de la Bon Appétit, care a fost spot on. El spunea asa:
There are more than 40 recipes in this issue of Bon Appétit. Chances are, I won’t cook a single one of them.
I mean, no disrespect to the BA Test Kitchen, but it’s August. It’s that one month when everything at the market is so lush, so fruitastically fresh that all you need is a box of sea salt, a bottle of quality olive oil, and the good sense not to mess with anything too much.
You might say I’m being lazy, but isn’t that what summer is about? Not cranking up the oven, not stressing out about what to cook to impress your guests?
N-as fi putut s-o spun mai bine. Asa ca ma duc sa-mi tai rosia aia mare din mijloc in felii groase, sa le inec in ulei de masline Frantoio Muraglia (il gasiti la Delicateria Francesca), sa le presar cu fulgi de sare Maldon (se gaseste la Mega Image Concept Store sau pe FT-Shop.ro) si sa-mi torn un pahar de vin.
*rosiile sunt moldovenesti, no wonder ca sunt mi-nu-na-te. se pot comanda via pagina de facebook Buniol
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